Friday, June 12, 2009

what's hot in june?


i 'm listing what happens in month of june...

1. Happy Father's Day.. for Abah, ayah,papa,daddy, abi, baba n etc.. always pray for abah..(moga diletakkan ditempat orang yang beriman)

2. Final exam result:- haaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh..... juz checked it..and alhamdulillah for the result eventhough not best as before..... thanks for all my lecturers... luv u all....(en wan especially..thanks 4 ur guide)

3. outstation???? ya.. i've to..... give 'taklimat' for those who are becoming teachers soon.... a bit nervous coz never do before...where?? dont know yet... maybe next week my boss will assign which suitable IPG for me...(best tapi nervous....nak bg taklimat kat bakal2 cikgu....huhuhu not so expert la)

4. so far.. thats all... but maybe ade lagi.. juz wait and see...:P

wish me luck k!